JCS Families: All JCS schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, March 7th as staff participate in professional learning.

Happy Monday! I was absent last week due to a family emergency. This week we celebrate Dr. Seuss. Not only does the amazing writing of Dr. Seuss reinforce rhyming, but this week it reminds us of the importance of literacy and instilling the love of reading in our students.
Mark Your Calendars:
3/3-3/7---Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
3/3 Wear LOTS of Colors
3/4 Hat Day
3/5 Wacky Wednesday
3/6 Dress for your Future Career
Join us on 3/6 for our final volunteer training for the 2024-2025 school year. It will be at Page Jackson in the cafeteria from 5-6 p.m. If you plan on volunteering for any upcoming event and have not completed training you must attend this week.
Have a great week!

JCS Families: There are several bus scheduling adjustments this morning. Please review the JCS Bus Status Tracker for updated information. https://www.jcswv.org/page/bus-tracker

What a great week! It is hard to believe that we will be completing the month of February next week! I am in hopes that we are off to warmer temperatures and a long stretch of consistent school.
Please mark your calendars:
2/21 Guest Reader Assembly
2/28 Wear Stripes in recognition of RARE DISEASE DAY
3/3 WDI K Kids come to read to us / Read Across America Day
3/7 No School for Students Professional Development for Staff
3/14 Report Cards Go Home
Have a great weekend!

Happy Valentine's Day!
We hope you had a wonderful week as we had our last day of NTI!
Just a few updates as we head into the last few weeks of February!
Monday---President's Day No School for Students
2/28--Wear Stripes in honor of Rare Disease Day
Have a wonderful weekend!

It's time to order your 2024-2025 yearbook! Please see the virtual link to order on your child's teacher's Canvas or in their Rooms! Need help? Reach out to Mr. Woodbrey our Yearbook Coordinator!

JCS Community: All activities and events are canceled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, due to road conditions.

JCS Community: All Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K - 12) are closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, due to road conditions. Many roads in Jefferson County are covered in snow, with precipitation expected to continue through the evening and temperatures remaining below freezing. Students and staff will operate on a Non-Traditional Instruction Day schedule; this is the final NTID day.
JCS offices will open at 10 am; essential personnel should contact their supervisor for scheduling.

JCS Community: JCS will operate on a 3-hour early dismissal on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, due to weather. This allows our students to be in school with their teachers, eat breakfast and lunch, and be home before any unsafe road conditions.
All afternoon and evening activities are canceled. AlphaBEST after-school care and Boys and Girls Club transportation will not run today.

JCS Community: Check out the JCS Winter Weather and Calendar Update for important information. https://jcs.edurooms.com/engage/jefferson-county-schools/newsletters/winter-weather

Good Evening!
We made it through another FULL week of school and have finally completed our Winter Benchmark Assessments. We also had an amazing evening with parent teacher conferences!
Should we have any more inclement weather, the next day we would have no school would be our 10th and final NTID. After that we would return to our traditional snow days and would add additional days to the end of the school year.
Mark Your Calendars:
2/10 100th DAY OF SCHOOL! Come dressed like someone who is 100 years old!
Join us at 5 p.m. for our quarterly PTVO meeting!
2/14 Happy Valentine's Day!
2 Hour Early Dismissal Car Riders begin dismissing at 1:30 p.m.
2/17 No School for Students
2/28 WEAR STRIPES as we honor Rare Disease Day look for the flyer coming home with your child!
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week
3/3 K Kids from WDI visit Page Jackson to read aloud

JCS Community: Jefferson County Schools are open and operating on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

JCS Community: Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K - 12) and offices will operate on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025, due to the weather forecast. JCS will continue to monitor and evaluate conditions throughout the evening and morning and communicate any change by 7am to families.

Our final volunteer training of the 2024-2025 school year will be held on Thursday, March 6, 2025 in the Page Jackson Elementary Cafeteria from 4:30-5:30 p.m. This is for anyone that has not completed the training and would like to be able to volunteer in the classroom, for field day, field trips, and more.
We look forward to seeing you there!
😊 Mrs. Shaffer

Happy Groundhog Day Weekend! I cannot believe that we are already ending January and starting February! I am excited as we are moving closer to spring and hopefully closer to being out of our weather conditions. Just a reminder if we do have inclement weather, we will be on Day 10 of our NTID. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding the NTID. Also thank you to all of you for making days 6, 7, 8, and 9 so successful.
Mark Your Calendars:
2/6 Parent Teacher Conferences 5-7 p.m. Forms to sign up went home with report cards!
2/10 PTVO Meeting at 5 p.m. at PJE Cafeteria
2/14 Two Hour Early Dismissal. We will dismiss car rideres at 1:30 p.m.
2/17 No School for Students
Have a wonderful weekend!

TGIF! What a week! I hope this message finds everyone warm. The temperatures were brutal and the hopes of a huge melt was definitely disappointing. We enjoyed the interaction over the past few days as you all navigated the Non Traditional Instructional Days! I will be happy when we were back in school consistently!
This week has had us making some changes to our calendar!
Our PBIS Awards Assembly will be on Wednesday, January 29 at 10 a.m. You will be receiving information if your child will be recognized. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the event in order to get checked in, bring your valid photo ID, and no siblings please!
Mark Your Calendars:
1/29 PBIS Awards 10 a.m.
1/31 PBIS Reward Glow Party
2/14 2 hour early dismissal--we will begin car rider dismissal at 130 p.m.
2/17 No School for students--Professional Development for Staff
Have a wonderful weekend!

JCS Community: All Jefferson County Schools Varsity activities and practices will resume on a voluntary basis at noon today, Friday, January 24, 2025. All other JCS activities, events, and practices will resume tomorrow, Saturday, January 25, 2025.
JCS encourages parents to drive students to practices and events, many roads still have patches of ice and snow. We look forward to seeing all of our students in person next week!

JCS Community: All Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K - 12) are closed on Friday, January 24, 2025. Students and teachers will operate on a Non-Traditional Instruction Day schedule. JCS continues to scout roads and receive updated reports from the WV Department of Highways and the National Weather Service to make the safest and most informed decisions. Many roads in Jefferson County remain covered in ice and packed snow, with temperatures forecasted to be below freezing.
JCS offices will open on time; essential personnel should contact their supervisor for scheduling.

JCS Community: All practices and activities are canceled today, Thursday, January 23, 2025.
JCS continues to scout roads and receive updated reports from the WV Department of Highways and the National Weather Service to make the safest and most informed decisions. Many roads in Jefferson County remain covered in ice and packed snow, with temperatures remaining below freezing.

JCS Community: All Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K - 12) are closed on Thursday, January 23, 2025. Students and teachers will operate on a Non-Traditional Instruction Day schedule. Many roads in Jefferson County remain covered in packed ice with temperatures forecasted to stay below freezing through tomorrow morning. Information about practices and activites will be made and communicated by 12pm tomorrow, January 23, 2205.
JCS offices will open at 9 am; essential personnel should contact their supervisor for scheduling.