Happy New Year! We look forward to welcoming students back from break on Tuesday, January 3.
Looking ahead at PJES…
Week of December 19th
Show your holiday spirit each day by participating! This is a volunteer activity.
Monday- Ugly Sweater and Holiday Hat day!
Tuesday- Crazy Hair/Grinch DAY!
Weds---Polar Express and PJ Day
Thursday---Red and Green Day/Early Dismissal
If your child is part of K-Kids, they will be meeting Tuesday after school.
Looking ahead at PJES…
Holiday shop next week. An envelope and information was sent home yesterday letting you know when your child will be shopping. If you would like to volunteer, reach out to PTVO.
From Mrs. DuVal… Christmas clothing giveaway on December 17th. See flyer for more details.
We're pleased to bring holiday cheer to neurodiverse students and their families again this year with the second annual JCS Sensory Santa! This event gives sensory-sensitive children and their families a chance to visit Santa in a calmer, less-chaotic environment. The fun continues the weekend thanks to our student and staff volunteers!
National Special Education Day commemorates the signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) into law in 1975, granting children with special needs access to free and quality public education. Today we recognize and celebrate our incredible special education community at JCS with a heartfelt THANK YOU to the teachers and aides who serve some of our most exceptional learners. 💙💛💙💛
From Mrs. Duval…
Mountaineer Food Bank Food Giveaway
Tuesday, December 6th
See flyer for details.
Tomorrow, December 1st will be picture retakes. This is for anyone who was absent, virtual students and any family who have requested retakes. Reminder...they use a green screen, so DO NOT wear green.
Also, our Giving Tree is going up in our front hall. Send in any new hats and gloves you would like to donate for Page Jackson students to have over the winter months.
PJES is so thankful to have a great deal of support from our community. We have many churches, organizations and PJES Staff that are offering to participate in our Adopt A Family Program. If you are a family in need of support this holiday season and would like to be considered for our Adopt A Family program, please contact Christa DuVal, School Counselor, at christa.duval@k12.wv.us or call 304-728-9212.
Happy Thanksgiving to our JCS community! We remain grateful for the privilege of serving your children.
PJES Families…From Mrs. Duval
If you are in need of food assistance during the upcoming Fall Break, please immediately contact your School Counselor, Christa DuVal. Requests are on a first come first serve basis and will only be accepted until 345pm today.
Looking ahead at PJES:
Tomorrow- Dress like Mickey Mouse to celebrate his birthday.
11/21-11/25: No school. We are thankful for all our Page Jackson Panda Families. Happy Thanksgiving.
12/1: Picture Retakes/Picture Day for JVA
Caregivers, Please be sure to check your child's canvas page. You will find an invite from your School Counselor, Mrs. DuVal, to join her Canvas classroom. Thank you!
As we continue to celebrate our public school community for American Education Week, we're proud to recognize our JCS school leaders! We're so grateful for our principals who step up every day for their students and staff. Let's hear a shoutout for Ms. Shaffer!
Good news! JostensPIX was recently at your school to photograph picture day, and your student's photos are now available for viewing and ordering!
IMPORTANT: When you try to access your child's picture, an email requesting approval is sent to administration. Please give 24 hours to approve your access. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Hazy at lhazy@k12.wv.us
Click on the button below to get started.
- You can personalize your photos with a variety of backgrounds and
- Photos are shipped directly to your home
- High-res digital downloads are available
- If you have more than one child, you can order together and pay
RETAKE DAY is Thursday, December 1, 2022.
Jefferson County Schools begins our celebration of American Education Week today! Everyone at Jefferson County Schools is excited to highlight and cheer on the incredible people who work in public education here and across the country. JCS staff and students are so important to our community and our future. We are grateful to each of you for what you do to create and maintain a safe, enriching, and fun learning environment!
Today we take time to recognize Veterans Day with respect, honor, and gratitude to all who serve or have served in our nation's armed forces. JCS is proud to acknowledge and celebrate the veterans among our teachers and staff who now share their experience, skill, and insight serving students in our schools, offices, and buses. Thank you!
Are you looking for ways to give back this holiday season?
You can help families right here at Page Jackson Elementary. We have many families in need of assistance during this holiday season. If your business or your family is interested in helping one of our families this holiday season, please contact your School Counselor, Christa DuVal at 304-748-9212 or at christa.duval@k12.wv.us for details about our Adopt-A-Family Program and other food assistance programs.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Our “Green Screen” technology allows you to personalize backgrounds.
But it makes green clothing disappear into the background.
DON’T wear green for picture day please!
Looking ahead at PJES...
11/8- No School
11/10- Picture Day: Do not wear green. See attached flyer.
11/11: No school- Veteran's Day- Thank you, Veterans.
Are you interested in learning more about the West Virginia Read Aloud program and becoming a volunteer reader in a Jefferson County school? Check out the information below...
Our orientation has been designed to provide readers with an overview of the Read Aloud West Virginia program. Each 60-minute session addresses the why, what, and how of a classroom read-aloud session. Among the topics covered are: Research based educational benefits of reading aloud, classroom (and/or other public settings) guidelines and expectations, choosing books that are age-appropriate for various ages, techniques to engage students in the read-aloud experience, and finally, procedures for being placed in a particular classroom or setting.
At the end of the orientation, you'll be asked to fill out a Reader Preference form. With this information, as schools enroll, we'll be able to match you with a classroom that has signed up for a reader and we'll be able to send your Read Aloud identification card to you.
We are VERY grateful for your interest and hope that one of these session dates and times will be convenient for you. If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, we will retain your information and notify you as others are scheduled. All sessions cover the same information and potential volunteers only need to attend one session.
Use the link to learn more....
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of safeguarding online activity from harmful cyber attacks. Each Friday this month, we'll share tips to help our students, staff, and families secure their sensitive data and stay safe online. Tip #4: Never leave your devices unattended, even for a short time. Always secure your laptop, tablet, phone, or flash drive so no one else can use it while you're away. And while you're at it, tidy up your desk to ensure no passwords, account details, or important files are sitting out openly exposed. You'll leave with peace of mind AND a clean workspace! We hope you've found these tips helpful. To learn more about Cybersecurity Awareness Month, visit www.cisa.gov/cybersecurity-awareness-month.