Jefferson County Schools extends our appreciation to Mr. Justin P. Brown, Sr. for his service as an interim member of the Jefferson County Board of Education. Earlier this year, Mr. Brown applied and was selected in a competitive application process to serve Jefferson County students at a critical time. His dedication, thoughtful decision-making, and calm, steady leadership have been greatly appreciated in helping move our school system forward.
What a year it has been! Your children have grown so much this year.
Tomorrow is the last day for students.
Yearbooks: We have a few yearbooks left- they are $20 cash. Send in money in an envelope marked Ms. Hazy.
School Safety: You should have received the attached picture in paper form.
Have a great summer!
Jefferson County School stands in solidarity with the families, children, educators, and communities in Uvalde, Texas, in the wake of the tragic events of May 24th, 2022. There are no words that can restore what has been taken, not only from those individuals but from all of us. Everyone at Jefferson Schools is here for the community as we support our children together. You can find a list of resources on speaking to children about this difficult topic following this link: We will also have counseling staff available for any of our students or staff who need that support. Please join us as we continue our end-of-year student celebrations and honors while remaining mindful of the impacted communities and our solemn responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of our children.
Field Day at PJES is tomorrow, May 20th.
Just a couple reminders...
1. Cool loose clothing and appropriate sneakers.
2. Bring a towel, put on sunscreen we cannot put sunscreen on students, bring water and we will have breaks.
3. There will be no parents eating with students tomorrow as students will be eating in classrooms.
We can't wait to have a fun day tomorrow. Thanks to all our parent volunteers. We look forward to seeing you.
Note from the PJES Guidance Counselor... See attached flyer for information about an event on May 20th for a Mental Health Awareness Walk
Field Day at PJES...
After monitoring the forecast, we have made the decision to postpone Field Day to our rain date of next Friday, May 20th. Thank you.
Note from the PJES Guidance Counselor...
See attached flyer for information about an event on May 14th for Children's Mental Health Acceptance Day
Looking ahead at PJES...
THANK YOU to our amazing parents and volunteers this week at the book fair and all the ways you showed your appreciation for our staff.
Tuesday: No School
Friday: Field Day
MAY 6, 2022: Page Jackson Elementary School, the Martin Robison Delany Opportunity Learning Center (OLC), and the JCS Central Office are experiencing a power outage. The incident has not compromised student safety at any location; however, the telephones are inoperable. Students have been moved to centralized locations in an abundance of caution. Telephone services have also been disrupted at Blue Ridge Elementary School, but there is no power outage at that location. All dismissals will continue on schedule. Thank you for your patience as we maintain the safety of our students and staff.
Looking ahead at PJES:
May 2-6 Book Fair
May 5- Book Fair Friends and Family Night from 4:30-7:30
We have extra yearbooks. They are $20 cash. Money needs to be sent in an envelope marked- Ms. Hazy.
PJES Families,
Dates for this Week:
Tomorrow, 4/26- Mountaineer Food Bank Mobile Pantry- see picture for more details.
Saturday, 4/30:
Last day to order field day shirts. (Links to an external site.)
Order deadline is April 30th.
When placing the order, please make sure your child's first and last name are entered. Also, at the end before final payment you should select local delivery instead of shipping so you will not be charged shipping. (There is a blue check mark that says "ship to my billing address". They need to uncheck that box.)
These are the same shirts as last year, so students/staff who already have them don't have to re-buy new shirts. There is no year on them for this reason.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Blizzard. (
PJES Faculty and Staff would like to wish our Panda Families a Happy Easter! The students were excited to see the Easter bunny at dismissal today. Have a great spring break!
We will see you on Monday, April 25th.
Future Pandas register at PJES tomorrow, 4/12 and Wednesday, 4/13
Kindergarten Registration Schedule:
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. - Last name begins with the letters A-E.
10:30 to 11:30 a.m. - Last name begins with the letters F-J.
11:30 to 12:30 p.m. - Last name begins with the letters K-O.
12:30 to 1:00 p.m. - Lunch
1:00 to 2:00 p.m. - Last name begins with the letters P-T
2:00 to 3:00 p.m. - Last name begins with the letters U-Z.
Please bring your child to registration.
Speech, language, and hearing screenings will be conducted at the time of registration. Please bring your Driver’s License/State ID card, the student’s original state-certified birth certificate with the state seal, copy of immunizations, a completed health/physical form, proof of dental examination, social security card or number (optional) and proof of residency in parent’s name (ex. copy of recent utility bill).
A child must be 5 years old before July 1, 2022 to enter kindergarten.
Looking ahead at PJES...
Tuesday, 4/12 and Wednesday, 4/13: Kindergarten Registration
Thursday, 4/14: EARLY DISMISSAL- We will begin dismissing at 1:30.
Friday, 4/15: No School
REMINDER: Parents if you are purchasing school lunch when you visit, you need to bring exact change. The cost is $4.25. It was great seeing parents at lunch this week.
This week at PJES... We are excited to be welcoming parents back to have lunch. Starting tomorrow, April 4th, parents are welcome to have lunch with their child. A schedule was sent home letting you know which day you can come. (If you are unsure, reach out to your child's teacher.) Lunch costs $4.25 for adults, bring exact change. Let your child's teacher know if you are eating school lunch.
Tomorrow at PJES...
Our 26th Annual Auction is tomorrow. This event has been moved inside. Doors will open at 4:30. Pre-ordered pizza will be delivered at 5. Tickets can be purchased from 4:30-6:00. All tickets must be in bags by 6:15. We will begin drawing winners at 6:30.
At PJES this week...
Thursday, 3/31- Last day to send in $18 to order a yearbook.
Friday, 4/1- 26th Annual Auction/Raffle- Begins at 4:30. You can preorder tickets for 5 for $1 by sending in money to school.
Thank you for supporting PJES.
Looking ahead at PJES...
March 21- Spring Pictures and report cards come home.
March 31- Last day to send in money for yearbook.
April 1- PJES Auction
Looking ahead at PJES...
March 18th: No school for students
March 21st: Spring and Class Pictures, Report Cards Come Home
Page Jackson Families... Just a reminder...
You can order your 2021-2022 yearbook online...
Keep an eye out for information regarding Class Baskets, purchasing tickets and more regarding our Auction on April 1st.